понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

do blind people see dream

We krijgen onze maandelijkse uitgaven steeds beter onder controle. Doordat we alles in een spreadsheed bij houden is dit alles goed te overzien.

Het is gebleken dat we de laatste maanden steeds een bedrag van zo'n 375 euro per maand uitgeven aan boodschappen bij de supermarkt, dat is incl. Groente, fruit, vegetarisch. Dit was in het verleden zo'n 500 euro per maand.

Aan drogisterij artikelen geven we per maand 25 euro uit, incl. Wasmiddelen e.d.

Het gebruik van de auto is aanzienlijk verminderd. Eerder waren we zo'n 65 tot 80 euro in de maand kwijt aan brandstof voor de auto maar nu mijn man volledig gebruik maakt van de trein voor woon werk verkeer (eerder nam hij 1 tot 2 x in de week nog de auto mee) redden we het met 15 euro in de maand aan benzine. De auto wordt alleen nog gebruikt voor de grote boodschappen in de stad 1x in de week en af en toe in het weekend.

Mijn man kreeg geen reiskostenvergoeding maar wel een treinkaart voor woon/werkverkeer van zijn baas. Hij is alleen aanzienlijk langer onderweg maar raakt daar nu al aardig aan gewend.

Ik moet zeggen dat we best tevreden zijn met dit resultaat maar we blijven kritisch.�

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boat military rc


guys, I am dumb, but thatapos;s OK because I get by.


due in 10 hours:

drawing crumpled tin foil MMM YES MORE PLEASE

but unfortunately my internet is working so I canapos;t crack down, I need to refresh all of my sites and my e-mails and my livejournals 60 million times

I have gotten really bad at being responsible again. But I am sick of painting and drawing from life, and I am so easily distracted and full of mischievous procrastinating spirit. Hereapos;s a list of things I really want to do instead:

clean my toilet (oh man I want to clean my entire apartment SO BAD)
make stencils, make shirts
visit san diego, stare lovingly into Kendraapos;s eyes
hold hands with david forever

I wrote three letters/postcards tonight, which was a little fun, and then I laid in bed for like 2 hours around 8pm and fantasized about not having responsibilities. I want to do anything in the world that isnapos;t painting or rendering. I have so much kick and umph right now, I am ready to destroy cinderblocks with my bare fists But itapos;s like instead I have to stroke porcelain with feathers and then give babies butterfly kisses, oh my god

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Dear friends,

Just because I "studied something that deals with computers" as you put it, doesnapos;t mean I am capable of doing everything with a pc. I create programs in Oracle, do not ask me to fix something in Internet Explorer as if I can just open up the source code and rewrite it.
Even if I could get the source code and even if it was written in a language I can code in, I cannot change programs at random, there are things like copyrights and all involved, thank you.

PLease get a fucking clue about how computers work and all

No love.


Dear friend,

Itapos;s really funny how facebook works you know, you claim you havenapos;t added me as a friend because you "are getting rid of it anyway" but strangely, your friendslist keeps on growing and growing.
And you have even added people you claim not to like.
Funny how that is.

No Love


Dear self

Seriously? you are getting upset at someone because he didnapos;t add you on facebook? what are you? a 12 year old girl?
Get a life and accept that some people arenapos;t interested in keeping track of everyone online. You speak with him practically every single day, that should be enough to convince you that he considers you a friend.

Seriously, get a fucking life

No love, me
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

colt pony

Hello all, Iapos;m a bit concerned that my leopard gecko might be impacted and since I canapos;t get her to a vet till Monday am looking for some advice. Iapos;m only guessing sheapos;s impacted but sheapos;s been quite lethargic for a few days and hasnapos;t pooped in nearly a week and a half and isnapos;t showing a huge amount of interest in food. Is there anything else these symptoms could suggest, and also is there anything I can do that might help her till I can get to a vet? Sheapos;s on paper towel so it wouldnapos;t be caused by substrate, but she wont take anything but mealworms for the last couple of months so I was thinking maybe their skin could be causing it, but as I say, I donapos;t know. Any help would be much appreciated
colt pony, colt pony .380.